Graphite, marker and acrylic on canvas
120 x 150 cm
Photos: ©LuisChenche
With its polysemic spectrum, the work "Borders" offers evidence of my interests and anxieties, many of which are born precisely from the territory in which I live. Why are the apologies on historical neighborhoods witnessing the growth of the city scarce? Are we ashamed to find images of these "invisible" places under the concept of modern city and the appeal to the notion of progress? What would happen if instead of finding maps of the tourist places, we show those who have and are cementing the city from the everyday? Would there be any way to shake the logic of existing hegemonic representation without falling into the pamphlet?
The scene is presented as an anachrony, a place where the progress of industrialization and its opposite coexist on the one hand, the precariousness of existence in the traditional sector of Guayaquil: Cuba neighborhood. I am interested in the problem of the relationship of the real world and our ways of representing it.