"City sketch"
Installation / Drawing on tracing paper and Acrylic on wall
Variable measures
Photo: ©LuisChenche
The work "Sketch" is of fundamental character of the whole sample because it is the synthesis of all the places traveled and selected for this project. Each entry locates the streets from where documentation and elements have been extracted to make each of the pieces.
The streets are Portete and Guaranda, Pedro Maldonado and Los Ríos, Av. Quito and Manabí, Rumichaca and Brazil, Av. Quito and Ayacucho, Riobamba and Piedra hita, Loja and Pedro Carbo. Emblematic and historical streets of Guayaquil.
The piece draws a phantasmagoric space by the presence of the hint of a space represented with this sepulchral black figure.